От молдовския киноложки съюз ми изпратиха следната покана:
Dear leaders of the National Organizations (members and contract partners of FCI).
Dear leaders of the territorial departments, clubs and kennels!
Dear dog fanciers!
The Kennel Union of Republic of Moldova has the pleasure to invite you and your dogs to participate in Dog Shows (2хCACIB-FCI, CAC-Moldova, CAC-Cyprus) which will be held on February 11-12, 2012 in Republic of Moldova, Chisinau city, IEC “Moldexpo”.
The judge list:
Deniz Kuzelj (Cyprus)
Klucniece Vija (Latvia)
Hristozov Georgi (Bulgaria)
Alexandrov Borys (Ukraine)
Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya (Finland)
Every dog owner will receive a gift from the leading wine companies of Moldova.
See you in the sunny and hospitable Moldova!
Best regards,
Romanova Olga
President of Kennel Union of Moldova
Additional information about Dog Shows you may find on our site: http://www.fci.md/
If you have some questions please don't hesitate to ask us by phone: (+373)22-27-64-64
fax: (+373)-22-54-04-94
e-mail: dogs1@mail.ru
e-mail: info@fci.md
Който има интерес, може да осткочи - все пак са 5 изложби за 2 дни.